
Check your VAT number if enabled for intra-European purchases with VAT EXEMPTION.


You can always enable it by asking your accountant.

This is a system used in the European Union to facilitate the exchange of information relating to Value Added Tax between member states.

This system is particularly useful in the context of commercial transactions between companies with a VAT number operating in different EU countries. In fact, it guarantees that intra-community transactions are correct between companies that are part of the European Union without the VAT of the country of departure (Seller) being applied.

It is important to underline that you can start carrying out intra-community operations only after registration has taken place. Otherwise the seller is required to apply the VAT of the country in which you are purchasing the product / service, in our case ITALY therefore VAT at 22%.

A practical example is: if you purchase a product with a taxable amount of €100.00 from us in ITALY you will have to consider applying VAT at 22%, therefore:

Taxable 100.00 €
VAT         22.00 €
TOTAL  122.00 €

Registering for VIES is “free” but it is important to note that the rules may vary between EU countries, so businesses should check the specific regulations of the country in which they are registered and ensure they comply with them.